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as I’m writing this post, the air is crisp and cool here in the redwoods, with crimson and gold leaves falling like gentle rain to the earth. I’m hearing from some of you that first snow is falling, and that others are drinking in radiant desert sunbeams…wherever you are planetside, may you be feeling resourced, well, and happy.

even if you curl up by the fire with a good book and avoid the masses at holiday, you may still sense the collective energies, be asked to visit more or longer than you might like, or feel other people’s stress around you.  to support you during holiday hustle and bustle, here’s a simple and effective idea to help you slow down and nourish yourself: ‘the miniature magic moment.’

note: why the alliterative title?  because I encourage my clients to give all of their healing projects fun titles.  this helps an experiment or adventure have identity and momentum, and if that feels fun, I encourage you to work it into your transformational tech.

so.  if you know you’ll be more ‘on’ or have more input than you’d like for holiday time (travel, traffic, long hours at a gathering, challenging people, or if holidays bring up grief or loneliness), you can try this simple and effective practice to intentionally nourish yourself in the middle of it all:

plan ahead on how you’ll carve out 2-3 magic minutes for yourself to self-soothe, even in the middle of too much input or emotion, and be ready to implement it.

let’s say you’re at a family dinner for 5 hours, and you flew or drove for a long time to get there. the company is lovely or less than lovely, your smile is feeling frozen in place, and your nervous system is scratching at the door like a cat who needs out, and it’s a lot.

excuse yourself from the table, kitchen, or living room, and step outside for 2-3 minutes of restorative time for your nervous system, and relish it with intention. escape to the restroom if that’s what’s possible.

invite and allow this short time to be magical and impactful.

in your ‘miniature magic moment’ (2-3 minutes), you have a plan that you set in advance, before the gathering or overstimulating shindig.  some examples of miniature magic moments might be:

  • travel with essential oils. inhale deeply, rub on your temples.
  • look up at the sky and really see it. feel your body. get slow.
  • bring a cup of tea outside, and feel it warming your belly. savor.
  • sit quietly. ask your helping spirits to release energy that isn’t yours, and replace it with peace.

if you have reiki, do a hand position for two minutes. if you do yoga, enjoy a simple pose. if you enjoy tapping, do a tapping round. think ‘short, sweet, and this is my time to restore myself.’ the whole idea here is 2-3 minutes of intentional, planned-on time for you to reset and restore. it will help.

about ‘practicing the practice…’

it’s pretty amazing how much sensitives and empaths respond to mini-oases like this, even in overwhelming situations. the key is to actually do the practice.   I’d love to hear how this works for you if you try it – I’ve used it myself and benefited a lot, and have heard fantastic stories from clients and friends as well who were able to get through holiday time with more ease than they imagined possible.


ps – do you know one or two folks who would benefit from receiving the dreaming otter articles?  if yes, please encourage them to subscribe to the email list here.  I would be so grateful – thanks, and may that kindness return to you a thousandfold.