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welcome, kindred spirits

the dreaming otter and I believe that working with spirit and healing energy is for everyone, including those of us with diverse abilities.  accessibility is important to us, and we’re happy to share about our ongoing efforts to make this site accessible.

text color contrast ratios have been prepared using the HEX/RGB values of this site’s color palette.  we cannot guarantee that monitors/screens using other color models (such as HSL, HSV or HSB) will adequately output color to meet contrast guidelines.  not all computer monitors/screens can simulate true color tone due to the physical limitation of resolution, brightness and contrast ratio, alongside many other factors that may impact color perception.

if you’re experiencing difficulty navigating our site, we welcome kind feedback on how we can improve our site’s accessibility.  please feel free to contact us here so we can learn with you, and do our best to make our work accessible for community and kindred spirits on the path.

please note: the dreaming otter cannot and does not make any representation or warranty that third-party content or third-party websites to which we provide links will be accessible for your purposes.

happy browsing, and if you wish to receive them, blessings your way!