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9-week advanced course on extraction

3rd sundays, 9am-noonpt, $999

registration closes sept 12, course begins sept 15

welcome.  please read this intro, which applies to all advanced trainings:


before moving into advanced work at the dreaming otter, you must have a strong foundation in contemporary shamanic practice.  for our community, that means that you can connect directly and reliably with your helping spirits, have a regular spiritual practice that works for you, ability to trust what you receive from your spirit helpers, and devotion to doing your work with lovingkindness.

once those fundamentals are in place, you’re ready to add advanced skills into your basket of healing tools.  based in 20+ years of full-time shamanic teaching, I offer advanced training in extraction, soul retrieval, and creative ceremony for healers and folks on the path with heart.  these forms of healing are rewarding, effective, and powerful.

‘extraction’ means:  unseen energies cause difficulty, struggle, illness, and disharmony when they end up where they don’t belong (like stuck to a human, or in a place).  ‘extraction’ means compassionately sending those energies where they do belong.  it’s a harmonious solution for everyone involved, and an extraordinary way to serve.


course details

purple candle 900h

circle 1: welcome & community building

  • strong container and agreements, opening activation ceremony
  • meeting your cohort, building trust together (exercises, journeys)
  • your main extraction specialist (they coordinate all of your work)
  • homework: intentional time in nature & chat with a classmate
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circle 2: foundations & theory

  • kinds of intrusions and attachments that cause illness, imbalance
  • ways clients can be compromised that make them susceptible
  • work with your extraction specialist, assess your own intactness
  • homework: retrieve a unique way to boost your ‘spiritual immune’
lavendar field 900h

circle 3: the precursor of light

  • expand on ‘the spiritual immune’ and light-based healing
  • meet 2 different specialists who will help you ‘fill in’ with light
  • find your unique form of ‘healing salve’ for use after every extraction
  • homework: ‘filling in’ practices that work for you
lavendar flowers 900h

circle 4: clearing non-living energies

  • meet a specialist, receive teachings about non-living intrusions
  • practice clearing a congealed thought form, and a static intrusion
  • refine your own ‘filling’ technique to anchor light and power (critical!)
  • homework: work with a classmate, clear energy with permission
lavendar 900h

circle 5: unhooking fields

  • energy fields, and how clients can get tangled or trapped in them
  • direct teaching about transpersonal fields and energy exchange
  • diagnostic with a partner, clear engaged fields that don’t serve
  • homework: write a life-map, unhook from old fields and energies
candle flame

week 6: clearing (some) living energies

  • learn about (some of) the complexities of misplaced living energies
  • meet a specialist helper, portal, and tool to assist you in this work
  • beginning ‘holographic exercise’ to clear a misplaced energy
  • homework: give and receive a healing outside of circle
fiery sunset

circle 7: practicing where we need to

  • expand on ‘when in doubt…’ and where you need strengthening
  • practice: shore up your ‘weak spots’ or receive additional teachings
  • as a group, perform a healing, receive a healing, rest together
  • homework: perform an extraction, write an anonymous case study
light lavendar 900h

circle 8: case studies

  • share your (anonymous) case study from last week in circle
  • listen to case studies from classmates (you’ll learn a lot this way!)
  • ask your main extraction specialist for an advanced ‘teaching story’
  • homework: keep practicing.  receive teachings not covered in circle
purple field 900h

circle 9: putting this into practice

  • work with your spirits, ‘how do I bring this into my life and work?’
  • learn about colleagues who specialize in this work, reach out to one
  • retrospective, gratitude, honoring the work and our helping spirits
  • homework: connect in community, tend your field, be of service

healer’s note

I hesitated to learn these techniques for a long time because my natural healing gift is helping people return to love, instead of focusing overtly on what doesn’t belong.  it took me time in my own journey to understand that returning to love and clearing with compassion are sides of a same coin – energy that doesn’t belong needs love too, and everyone benefits when energy is happy and at home.

by the end of our 9 weeks together, you’ll be part of a loving community cohort and begin your own journey helping energy arrive where it needs and wants to be…

extraction and clearing are some of the most loving forms of energy healing we can learn, to take care of ourselves and those we tend.

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Sacred Geometry Bright Colors

format, dates, cost

  • 27 hours instruction over 9 weeks, $999
  • each small cohort is limited to 9 participants
  • 9 sundays via zoom, 9am-noon PT (dates below)
  • materials: journal, your choice of book, ceremony materials

join the circle

you can sign up for circle below, and I’ll send a welcome a few days before we gather.  circling in small groups like this is wonderful – we all learn from each other and the spirits, and feeling belonging in community is healing in itself.  just the right group is called together, every time.

please note: if you and I haven’t worked together before, I’ll email you so we can set up a phone chat and find out how our energy flows together, and if you need any extra support before circle begins.  I’m easy to talk with, and we’ll have a nice time together.  if you and I have worked together already, big heart hug of welcome, and I look forward to seeing you again soon.

please email me with questions.  until we connect, may you feel how loved, supported, and cherished you are.

registration closes sept 12, 2024


kind words

‘I have long admired anna’s capacity to be able to gather just the right people together for her circles and shamanic gatherings.  with her disarming and unique style of teaching and leading, she immediately guides you to feel that something really special is about to happen.

and then.  something really special happens.

she holds sacred circle in a way that is mind blowing: just with her natural charisma and refined intellect guiding us all along with her.  people are excited and happy to be in her presence.

she is a very special lady: kind, loving and very giving.   if you want to know what a true healer and teacher looks like, look no further than anna dorian.’

~alan waugh, spirit wisdom healing