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6-week course: summer series

sunday mornings 9am-11ampt, $385

registration ends fri jul 5, circle begins sat jul 7

hi friends!  this short and sweet community course on shamanic journeying helps you build skills working directly with your spirit guides through repeated, enjoyable practice and community circling.

we learn with and from each other, and with our helping spirits.  our practice is simple, loving, and kind.

you’ll learn modern shamanic journeying basics that help you explore the magical unseen realms, how to offer simple shamanic clearings and healings, and get more conscious about your purpose and path planetside.  we’re relaxed, cozy, and comfy together – each cohort is a small community in itself.

this is a sweet, lovely circle, designed to be easy on your calendar while planting strong alchemical seeds on your spiritual path.

even in a ‘building blocks’ course that meets prerequisites for more advanced work, we’ll be focusing strongly on how you can integrate shamanic healing into your personal life and professional work, in alignment with your purpose earthside.  in the dreaming otter’s dream, what you learn here ripples out in a beautiful way, for the benefit of all beings.

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journey skills & community

if shamanic journeying is new to you, you can learn in about a half-hour in our free self-paced course shamanic journeying for healers.  it covers beginning ideas, and provides a framework for you to start having your own adventures in the wondrous unseen worlds with your spirit helpers.

everything begins with your first shamanic journey.  with that basic skill in place, you can connect with your helping spirits directly for the rest of your life, ask questions, and learn how to perform every kind of healing from your guides.  what you learn in circle applies for yourself, and others with their permission.

community is precious and vital – we learn more with each other than we do alone.  my funny superpower after teaching this work for 20+ years is putting folks at ease (yep, even online), building community, and helping you have fun and feel at home enough…to do deep, strong work.

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prereqs & topics

you’ll need the ability to journey directly to your helping spirits to join us, either through previous study or our free course shamanic journeying for healers.

in circle, we learn through journeying, sharing together, journaling, time in nature, reading books, performing ceremonies, and offering and receiving healings.  our weekly topics are:

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week 1: foundations & lower worlds

  • build trust and friendship with your main spirit helper through short daily journeys (prompts provided, 10m a day)
  • adventure in the lower worlds, start mapping them, and find your own healing sanctuary
  • homework: intentional time in nature
cherry blossoms

week 2: welcoming light & upper worlds

  • quest for a healing specialist in the upper worlds and meet your ‘higher’ self
  • perform a divination journey for someone, and learn how to deliver it with grace
  • homework: retrieve a unique way to boost your ‘spiritual immune’
sunflower closeup

week 3: clearing (the basics)

  • meet a clearing specialist helper, and learn what energies you’ve been carrying around
  • visit a healing temple with your clearing specialist, and unburden yourself of what doesn’t belong
  • homework: clear your physical and energetic space
purple flower bee 553tall

week 4: filling in (the basics)

  • work with your main helper & healing specialist, and receive a direct healing transmission to ‘fill up’
  • perform a healing for someone in circle, fill them with light, and deliver a beautiful healing story
  • homework: find a new (to you) healing modality…go receive it
candle flame

week 5: your planetary purpose

  • convene a ‘healing counsel’ with the 4 helping spirits you’ve met so far in a special setting
  • explore your life path and purpose, and how aligned you are (or aren’t) with it
  • homework: perform healings on your ‘life story’ itself, in the context of purpose
fiery sunset

week 6: ceremony & weaving it all together

  • learn what ceremony is, and how to ‘put yourself out’ and change the shape of creation
  • work with your spirits and create a unique ceremony to align with and embody your purpose
  • homework: perform your ceremony, and allow it to change you. celebrate YOU.

healer’s note

hi lovely being.  thanks for stopping by!  modern shamanic practice is such a loving, magical, fun, powerful path.

this isn’t a musty, stuffy ‘do this or believe that’ kind of gig – we learn how to celebrate the aliveness of all things, make strong lifelong friendships in the spirit world, and come home to ourselves in the company of other kind humans up to good work.  that’s vitalizing, hopeful, and strong.

you incarnated for…something.  your personal joy, a big path of service, a unique mission or a gentle one.  good.  we need you doing that, in an awake and well way.  working with your friends in the spirit world helps you do what you came here to.  welcome.

anna tall lagoon

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format, dates, cost

  • cost for the 6-week course is $385 (9 hours instruction)
  • each cohort is limited to 10 participants
  • shared learning hub for journeys and ceremonies we do outside of circle
  • we meet live via zoom on 6 consecutive sundays, 9am-11amPT (dates below)
  • materials: journal, your choice of a book, a healing treatment, and ceremonial materials

join the circle

the booking beastie below will sign you up for circle, and I’ll send a welcome and materials a few days before we gather.  I love, love circling in small groups – there is such magic that happens.  there is kindness, laughter, and we learn so much from and with each other.

please note, registration closes on the new moon, july 5, 2024.

I so look forward to welcoming you.  please email me if you have questions, take good care of yourself until we get to play, and see you soon!



kind words

‘I have long admired anna’s capacity to be able to gather just the right people together for her circles and shamanic gatherings.  with her disarming and unique style of teaching and leading, she immediately guides you to feel that something really special is about to happen.

and then.  something really special happens.

she holds sacred circle in a way that is mind blowing: just with her natural charisma and refined intellect guiding us all along with her.  people are excited and happy to be in her presence.

she is a very special lady: kind, loving and very giving.   if you want to know what a true healer and teacher looks like, look no further than anna dorian.’

~alan waugh, spirit wisdom healing