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welcome home

hi loved ones!  if you’re on this page, you and I have worked together in the last 20+ years.  if this is the case, whether we’ve connected in sessions, classes, retreats, workshops, or special events, happy hullo.  our hearts are old friends, and whether it’s been a couple months or a couple decades, I hope you’re thriving and well.  welcome home!

if it’s been a minute since we worked together, here are a few notions about healing as it lives for me these days.  really, we’ve worked together before, if your heart is calling, we’ll hop right in like no time has passed and move energy in your world.

note: if you’re working on a clear, direct single topic, this is a great way to receive support.  if you’re working on something complex, you might also consider a 3-session series.  you’ve met me (laughter), and you know what I’m going to say: drop in, ask your heart, listen to your own wisdom.  you’ll know what you need.  I look forward to reconnecting!

healing wants to happen

one of the teachings from my helping spirits I love most is: 

healing is the art of ‘holding more light.’

there’s so much hope in that, because it means that there’s always, always possibility for you to remember your power, hold more light, and move any situation forward in a beautiful way – personally and professionally.  no matter who you are, what has happened, or what’s calling for attention in your life or work, it can hold more light. 

one of the big truths is this: you are meant to find your joy and purpose, be a good ‘whatever you are,’ and live in a strong, luminous way so you can fulfill your life’s work and calling.

you’re an intelligent adult human, and understand that there’s nuance and complexity in healing.  in one session, we won’t be able to tackle everything, and we can still make strong progress on what’s going on for you.  if what you’re working with requires ongoing work or a few sessions, we can chat about that, and a single session may be the catalyst needed to set real transformation in motion.

healing is a mystical, magnificent process, and happens in a strong container with strong tools.

every healing session is unique, responsive to your particular situation, guided by helping spirits who provide healing for you, and is rooted in my 20+ years of experience holding healing and alchemical spaces.


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how does a session go?

you and your situation are unique, and the work to support you needs to be, too.  if you’re on this page, you’re most likely shopping around to find a healer who feels right for you and can help – I wish you so much light and ease on your search.

here’s a bit about how a session goes to support you…

we’ll be on the phone together for about 2 hours, with a biobreak midway through for integration and rest.  we’ll chat for a half hour or so to begin, and learn about what’s really going on for you.  the space I hold is comfy and relaxed – we can do powerful work and still laugh and enjoy being humans together – and as your session unfolds, I’m listening closely with my compassionate helping spirits, who guide the work and suggest a strong path forward for you.

when we have an idea of what healing work can help you, I’ll explain what that looks like until all of your questions are answered, and then you get to relax and receive (that’s the really fun, marvelous, wondrous part).  we’ll talk about your healing experience, how you can take care of yourself after session, and I’ll email you detailed session notes and any needed support materials (PDFs, links, recordings, books, etc).  I’ll check in on you via email at a time we set up after session, to learn how your healing process is going.

often, a healing is a ‘first spin on the dance floor,’ and opens doorways to joining community circles and trainings offered here that support your life and heart-based work.  it’s a good way to begin, meet each other, and help you receive what you need.


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how healing can help

gosh, there are as many reasons to show up for healing as there are stars in the sky.  I’ve put together a few ideas for you here so you can get a sense of how some kinds of healing might look.  and, your journey will be different than anything on a webpage – these are starting ideas only.

as you read the 3 possibilities below, I invite you to listen to your heart and body, and see if something calls you, feels tender, or sparks your interest.  your situation may be completely different from what you read here (great!) – if you have questions, you can always email me about what’s going on for you and we’ll cocreate beauty together.

these possibilities are offered to give you a general sense of themes you might show up with, or how we might work together:

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you’re in a metamorphosis

something is waking up inside you, and you can feel a new adventure, life chapter, or big dream arriving.  the new identity, profession, home, partnership, or project are whispering (or roaring) to you, and significant evolution is happening in your world.  the puzzle pieces are present, it feels exciting and inexorable in a good way, and you’re seeking clarity and support from the beautiful unseen world for the path forward.

here are some ways we might support you in session, with possible modalities in (parenthesis):

  • bring you powerful guidance and messages from helping spirits
    (shamanic divination or channeling)
  • heal blocks, beliefs, or energies keeping you from moving forward
    (dowsing or extraction)
  • create dedicated time for you to get quiet and meet your clarity
    (guided personal retreat)
  • reveal and/or rewrite soul contracts that shape your path & purpose
    (contract and akashic work)

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you’re moving through an initiation or hard time

there has been loss, illness, challenge, shock, or a hard time for a long time.  your identity or life’s calling is being dismembered, everything is topsy-turvy, or you’re at the edges of what you can tolerate.  nothing makes sense, you’re weary, and need strong tools and the intervention of spirit guides to get you through this time of hardship.  (big hug if this is so)

here are some ways we might support you in session, with possible modalities in (parenthesis):

  • bring you home to yourself after shock or trauma
    (soul retrieval or power restoration)
  • introduce you to a new helping spirit guide to bring comfort and healing
    (guide retrieval)
  • petition helping spirits to actively intervene on your behalf
    (shamanic healing)
  • help you diffuse anxiety, thought patterns, or repetitive thoughts
    (dynamind technique)

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you’re in an ascension or ‘waking up’ process

things are accelerating for you big time, you feel a powerful call to ‘level up,’ and signs, omens, and synchronicities are everywhere.  what used to fit for you doesn’t anymore, and you can feel positive urgency and excitement to be in motion and do what you came here to (even if you don’t know what that is, yet).  there is a very powerful pull in you to ‘wake up’ and ‘get in motion!’

here are some ways we might support you in session, with possible modalities in (parenthesis):

  • teach you how to talk directly to your spirit guides
    (learn shamanic journeying)
  • put healing energy into your hands
    (give you a reiki initiation so you can heal yourself)
  • have you talk to several of your spirit guides in a ‘magical council’ gathering
    (magical council, like a beautiful waking dream)
  • create and perform a creative ceremony you perform to weave energy into form

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healing methods

rattling off lists of healing modalities doesn’t help you if you’re in pain or in process, and it’s also helpful to know what’s available in case you’re looking for something specific.  there’s a little bit more about some of these healing modalities in the FAQ below, and a (fairly) complete list of tools I use in sessions are:

  • akashic healing
  • ceremony
  • channeling
  • cord healing
  • crystal grids
  • dowsing
  • dynamind technique
  • elemental declarations
  • extraction
  • goddess activations
  • guide retrieval
  • labyrinth healing
  • living altar creation
  • magical council
  • medicine keys
  • metatronia energy®
  • oracle healing
  • past life regression
  • perfect health blueprints
  • personal retreat creation
  • power restoration
  • reiki (karuna®)
  • reiki (komyo)
  • reiki (lightarian®)
  • reiki (usui-based)
  • sacred art
  • sacred storytelling
  • shamanic divination
  • soul retrieval
  • spiritual contract work
  • talisman creation
  • tarot
  • unburdening/unwinding

…and sometimes, new healing technology that helping spirits bring through just for you.

anna banana

hi friend

hi pumpkin.  if we’ve worked together before, you already know my background and my heart.  I hope you’re well!

whatever is going on for you, we’ll dive right in, roll up our sleeves, weave some humor and otter puns in here and there, and move energy in your world.

and.  if it’s been a minute or what’s up for you is big, blessings.  we’ll find our way together, and ask the spirits and the healing power of love to hold us.

until we connect, I send you a portly otter bearing gentle gifts, a shooting star to wish on, and all of the love in creation.

pricing & format

2-hour sessions are $345, via phone, on weekdays

healing sessions include live session time, detailed session notes via email, support and aftercare materials as needed, and followup via email several days after session.

note: I do keep session times open that aren’t listed here.  if you need a custom time, please email and we’ll see what we can work out.

frequently asked questions

I sure can!  (laughter)  everything at the dreaming otter is based on direct work with healing energies and spirit helpers, and the idea that everything is alive, has sentience, and wants to communicate.  learning how to work with spirit guides and being able to engage the mystery directly are two powerful keys to living a skillful, beautiful human life.

I work in the unseen realms, which are another kind of reality as valid as the one you’re experiencing now.  in the worlds beyond what our five senses can perceive, we can communicate directly with goddesses and gods, elemental beings and nature devas, ascended healing masters, mystical or archetypal beings, bright and well ancestors, animal beings, or personal guides – the list is pretty endless.

it is these wonderful beings who perform healing on your behalf – it’s my joy and honor to hold the space for you in 3D while healing happens.

my particular way of working with helping spirits is twofold:  I’m an intuitive and a channel, so I’m receiving guidance from my compassionate helping spirits, and they perform the work.  when you receive healings like soul retrieval, cord healing, power restoration, psychopomp, divination, etc, I’ll use the rhythmic beat of a drum to help me drop more deeply into sync with my spirit guides, so they can show me the healing they’re offering on your behalf.   that’s a fun part of a session, as you get to hear the rhythmic drumbeat, which is healing in and of itself.

I love this work, and have dedicated my life to it because working with spirit guides is amazing, mystical, powerful, relieving, and effective.  if you have any questions, please reach out and let me know.  I’m here!

caveat: you can read a whole big bunch about different healing modalities…and that’s super different than diving in and receiving.  just like chocolate mousse, you’ve got to experience it to really get it, yes?

that said.  speaking for myself, I might feel a little anxious if a healer I haven’t worked with yet says ‘I’ll figure out what to do for you based on my experience.’  that’s valid, and I’d also like to at least have a little sense of what’s available from a healer, as I discern if they feel aligned and supportive for me or not.

in service to helping you feel into what work with me might be like, here are some (very brief descriptions of) kinds of techniques we might weave in to support you.  I’ve been doing this work for 20 years, and the tool basket is deep and wide.  here’s a short sneak peek at a small handful of the things we might bring aboard to help you:

dream seeds: you incarnated with ‘dream seeds,’ which are like kindly little lights revealing the path your spirit chose for this lifetime.  it’s really fun and cool to figure out what they are, so you’re not stumbling around in your life wondering ‘why am I here?  what makes me happy?’  note: you can receive a little PDF exercise (15 min) to discover yours, when you sign up for the email list.  this is important information, because once you know what your dream seeds are, you can see what is (or isn’t) aligned with them in your life.

spirit guides: pretty much ALL of the energy work here is based in working directly with spirit guides.  it’s an incredible joy to build deep, lasting friendships with yours, be they goddesses, elementals, well ancestors, animal helpers, or enlightened teachers.  spirit helpers are deeply kind and powerful, and can support you by offering information, counsel, and healings.  it’s amazing to be able to connect with your helping spirits, any time on any topic, and feel how loved and supported you are.  this is the heart of everything at the dreaming otter…and you can absolutely learn to talk with your helping spirits directly.  it’s like having a strong crew of best friends who want nothing but goodness for you, and can help you.

ceremony: ceremony is beautiful, creative alchemy that changes the shape of reality.  your helping spirits can teach you how to create your own totally unique ceremonies, and I can help you learn how to set strong intention, solidly prepare for a ceremony, move effectively through the beginning, middle and end of a ceremony, normalize anything that arises (ceremonies are sentient, and a lot can happen in them), and then integrate the experience.  you can use ceremony to release what doesn’t serve you anymore in your life, invite a big new beginning, or serve the web of life.  knowing how to use your power in a good way is potent and wonderful, and waking up to the ceremonialist within you is a real joy.

soul retrieval: you can lose parts of your actual spirit after long illness, trauma, challenge, or overwhelm, and end up feeling ‘stuck’ or like there’s no flow or grace in your world.  if you feel like you ‘just can’t get over something’ or ‘something is missing’ there is probably some soul loss at play (and there can be other dynamics at work, soul retrieval is a good place to begin if you feel lost or stuck).  when your soul is more whole, you’re able to be with yourself, and can stop moving so fast in an effort to fill yourself up.  (aha!)  you can think of it this way: you need all of you here to live a happy human life – you could also call soul retrieval ‘coming home.’

releasing old energies: in a human life, you’ll accumulate many artifacts, ideas, identities, dreams, friends, agreements, and ways of being.  as you grow (how beautiful), you’ll release some of these in physical form (how natural), but old cords, energies, and spiritual contracts can bog you down (how tiring).  healings from spirit guides get you free of old energies, so you’re not wandering around the planet like some beleaguered turtle carrying every old relationship and energy you’ve ever experienced around with you all the time (wow, you’d be one exhausted turtle!).  a note about this one: if energetic cords are involved, I don’t do ‘cord cutting.’  my helping spirits propone ‘cord healing’ which is different, compassionate, and liberating.  we can also remove energetic intrusions (exactly what that sounds like), and other people’s residual energy.

personal retreat: our world is full, full of noise.  there is an art in being able to slow down and hear the ‘song in the silence’ – which is the truth and simplicity of your own heart.  you can learn how to relax, exhale, and come back to yourself.  from this place, you have access to feeling love, being happy, and remembering your purpose.  and, I’ve seen lots of folks try to slow down without understanding why they’re so ratcheted up all the time and have a pretty crappy, bumpy experience trying personal retreat.  there are skillful ways to set intention, prepare, move through the experience, tend what comes up (like phone addiction), glean the medicine and meaning of what happens in that sacred space, and then reenter your life.  even one personal retreat can change your life in a big way, like a powerful ‘reset.’  when you learn how to build your own effective personal retreats, you can really invite flow, ease, and grace into your life.

feeling full yet?  but what about sacred storytelling, medicine keys, dowsing, reiki, labyrinths, divination, magical counsel, sacred art, unburdening, talismans, circling, working with the goddesses, altars, elemental declarations, oracles, crystal grids, channeled activations, and resetting the nervous system?  (grin)  there are LOTS of tools in the tool basket.

reading is less helpful than receiving – if any of this has your heart saying a shy or cheerful ‘yes!’ please email me.  happy healing!

do you do in-person sessions?

I offer all of my work remotely.

this allows us to work together from anywhere on planet earth without the limit of physical location.  you can show up for session in your pajamas with a cup of tea and a snuggy quilt, and you don’t need to travel immediately after receiving healing (gods, that’s relieving!).  being snug at home allows you to really rest after session, and enjoy smooth integration.

working via phone also allows you to go deep without worrying about how you look or how you’re showing up.  the energy is there, and our helping spirits are leading the way.  note: a big part of my work is about slowing down, and living in a gentle way – we’ve got enough intensity and screen time going on.  ergo phone – less for our nervous systems to deal with, more spaciousness to relax and heal.

note: if we coordinate time zones outside of the US, we’ll use zoom with audio only for sessions.

do you offer sessions on weekends?

I do not offer sessions on weekends, although there are occasional group circles on weekend dates.

YES!  this is actually the way I prefer to work.  reason being, there’s only so much one session can do, just like how one therapy session, one chiropractic session, one acupuncture session can be beneficial, but not tend to the complexity and layers sometimes required for deep, lasting change and healing in your life.

if your situation invites deeper work, depending on what’s going on for you, you might choose to do a series of 3 sessions to start, or work together for 6 months in an ongoing container.  you can read more about ongoing support here.

that said, I don’t want people to work with me forever.  I want you to soar on your own, and a big focus of my work is putting tools into your hands so you receive what you need, ‘graduate me,’ and go on to live your marvelous life here planetside.

it’s a wonderful thing, to have a healer in your corner, who knows you well and walks with you through times of transition, change, endings, or beginnings with clear perspective and lots of effective tools.  if you feel you’d benefit from ongoing work and would like to do a free half-hour consult, you can email me here.