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finding kindred spirits

you’re your own delightful mystery – unique, eclectic, creative, sensitive, gifted, skilled.  if you’ve arrived here, I imagine you’re looking for a place that feels like home, and is filled with a community of kind humans who also love working with spirit, energy, and healing.

community is the feeling of our hearts being old friends, and it usually comes from shared interest and repeated experiences that leave us feeling alive, engaged, and joyful.  we build community of the spirit here, based in shared traits, passions, and gifts like the ones below.  is this you?


gifts & traits

  • you’re a modern mystic. part of your mission is weaving healing and spirit into everything you do in your life and work. you’re instinctively drawn to the union of contemporary and ancient wisdoms, and understand their impact on seen and unseen realms. you’re curious and called to learn, heal, and grow with others who feel the same.
  • whether you’re an adept or a beginner, you know in your bones that working with the mystery is part of the answer to challenges we’re facing planetside. you incarnated with abilities to sense, see, or feel energies that others can’t, whether you can explain them or not. you crave cultivating your gifts, know you can put them to good use, and want to.
  • as a kind and gifted soul, you have a deep love of nature, beauty, and animals, and feel profound reverence for the incredible mystery of the cosmos. you can’t understand how anyone could hurt the web of life, earth’s beautiful creatures, or each other. your heart is quietly whispering about finding others of like mind and spirit, and when you encounter them, there is belonging, and a feeling of coming home.

if this feels resonant, welcome.  you can read about how healing works here on this page, or you can explore more deeply via the email list, away from the noise of social media.

the monthly newsletter is a gentle way to connect and build trust, and you can see over time if this work is for you by clicking the ’email list’ button below.