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welcome to the beautiful world of shamanic practice

meet your guides, have adventures in the unseen realms

30-min self-paced course for healers

you have lots of helping spirits and guides who love and cherish you without condition.  there’s so much beauty in remembering that, and feeling it.


when you learn to connect with your spirits directly, there are whole worlds of healing, joy, guidance, and support that become available to you.

it’s a lot to be a human right now, and you can develop your own contemporary version of ‘shamanic journeying,’ which is an ancient and universal path about love and connecting with the web of life.

journeying is potent, fun, profoundly nourishing, mysterious, and helps everyone on their sacred mission here earthside.  when you can talk with your helping spirits in a journey, you learn to:

  • remember who you are, and what you came here planetside to do
  • receive healings from your helping spirits at any time
  • ask for information & guidance on situations in your life
  • build friendships with your spirit guides, who offer hope and healing


receiving these gifts feels like coming home – and that’s really beautiful


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self-paced learning

I’ve explained how to journey a few thousand times over the decades (holy wow, that’s a lot, laughter), and it feels good to have distilled ideas about shamanic journeying into a short, beautiful you can work through at your own pace.

if you’re a sensitive, empathic creature like me, learning gently at your own pace feels good, with a cozy cup of tea and an open heart.

the course is designed for healers interested in learning about modern shamanic practice and direct revelation with the unseen worlds…and I wrote it for everyone.

it takes about a half-hour to read through the course, and take a first shamanic journey yourself (exciting!).   you learn:

  • 3 stories that illustrate some fundamental truths about healing
  • ideas about helping spirits, and a basic map of the 3 unseen worlds
  • sample journey to give you a sense of how *one* journey might look
  • drumming track + journey worksheet to practice with
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special note

your helping spirits love you.  there is grace and goodness in the world.  there are kind humans who get it.  you are not alone.  you are loved, and supported.

if you’re here, I imagine you’re finding your own way home through the tumult and initiations right now.  whether you hold professional space as a healer, are waking up to your gifts, or you’re on a healing journey, I just send you so much love.

learning to journey and build friendships with your spirits changes your life in wonderful ways.  I’m here if you need a hand, and wish you deep joy and grace on your path.

I wish you happy journeys with your spirits…

meeting the work

journeying with your helping spirits in the marvelous unseen worlds is amazing, powerful, fun, healing, helpful…and opens up pathways of love and beauty in your life.

working with your spirit guides directly is amazing.  regular journey practice helps you:

  • remember who you are, and what you came here planetside to do
  • receive healings, information and guidance from your helping spirits, any time
  • build beautiful friendships with your spirits, a source of hope and healing

journeying is a prerequisite for every dreaming otter course, and opens doorways to advanced trainings like extraction, ceremonial work, and soul retrieval.

it’s a complex time to be a human here planetside.  in my own way, I get it.  and, it’s wonderful to feel loved and supported without condition – journeying with helping spirits is one way to do that.


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by entering your information below, you’ll receive the self-paced course ‘shamanic journeying for healers.’  the book is beautiful and arrives with healing images, prompts and stories, and takes most folks about a half hour to complete at their own pace.

after that, you’ll receive the dreaming otter community newsletter once a month or so, sharing upcoming courses, community events, and practices to play with.  I honor your time and energy – you can unsubscribe any time you like – and I’m so very happy that you’re here.

add your email here

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please select all the ways you would like to hear from the dreaming otter:*

‘I have known anna as a colleague in spiritual healing and counseling for about 10 years now.  I trust anna implicitly – her gifts and abilities, her solid, impressive and extensive experience, her great intuitive sense and insights make her an outstanding, effective healing practitioner and a trustworthy guide.

she is engaged, dedicated, passionate and always a pleasure to interact with. I have personally benefited from anna’s gifts and skills and her powerful medicine, and can attest to the powerful, safe space she creates for those around her in therapeutic settings.

anna truly carries good, strong medicine that can help anyone -whether they are a seasoned practitioner or a person who is entering their inner world for the first time.’

‘anna dorian is an extraordinary woman who is a truly vibrant and gifted healer and teacher. she creates a very sacred and safe space for her students, as well as keeps her teaching fresh and filled with wisdom, compassion, and humor.

any student or client who finds their way to anna will feel empowered, and be rewarded with a depth of healing and potent transformation.’

‘in my 20+ years of training and working as a physician, I have learned the most about what health and healing look and feel like through this work with anna, her helping spirits, and the dreaming otter.

I have experienced restoration of agency through this work.

my healing heart, my inquisitive mind, my very spirit are changed.  certainly, this work has had a profound impact on my life, and through my various roles, it now touches many others.’