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your guides

talk to your own spirit helpers

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learn energy healing skills

small groups, kind humans

your path

receive healing & mentoring

come home to you

dear healers, lightworkers, and gifted ones,

anna welcome chair 2024

warm welcome!  I’m anna, a shamanic teacher and healer of 20+ years.   

I help healers and gifted ones work with the spirits directly, so you can fulfill your special purpose planetside.

I love this work more than anything – it lights me up and delights me – I’ve got lots to say!  (laughter)  and, you’re arriving.  we’ll start gently.

here are some truths in the work we do here:

  • you are special and wonderful.  you chose a sacred purpose, and you need to fulfill it.
  • you are needed, and we need you awake.  skills activated, bravery intact.  on purpose and on mission, with strong tools and good friends at your side.
  • when you work in the beautiful spirit worlds, you remember who you are, and why you came here. 
  • for sensitives, starseeds, lightworkers, empaths, and gifted ones, journeying with the spirits feels like coming home.
  • the hardships and initiations you endure in ‘earth school’ may require healing to recover from.  once you do that, you can share your hard-won wisdom with those you came to help.  there is grit and grace on the path.
  • many of us are scared to shine.  our reasons are valid.  blessings to those of us who have been hurt.  we can overcome the fear.  we are needed.
  • we are more together than we are alone.  you will need good, loving humans who are kindred spirits to walk on the path with you.  you will find some of them here.  it helps.


everything starts with learning how to talk to the spirits.


if you’re new to journeying with the spirits directly, you can read the free book below to learn how.  enjoy!

whoever you are, whatever your mission, however you’re doing, I wish you well.  you are not alone – you are loved beyond believing, and held.

with heart,

‘I have long admired anna’s capacity to be able to gather just the right people together for her circles and shamanic gatherings.  with her disarming and unique style of teaching and leading, she immediately guides you to feel that something really special is about to happen.

and then.  something really special happens.

she holds sacred circle in a way that is mind blowing: just with her natural charisma and refined intellect guiding us all along with her.  people are excited and happy to be in her presence.  she is a very special lady: kind, loving and very giving.  if you want to know what a true healer and teacher looks like, look no further than anna dorian.’

social media?  nope.  our monthly newsletter (link below) offers helpful articles and events, crafted from beauty and the energy of the moment.  this is a gentle way to discover our work.