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the dreaming otter’s dream is powerful and beautiful.  in it, we each respond with lovingkindness, curiosity, gentleness, and respect to help heal what is broken here planetside.  as the guardian of the dreaming otter, I honor you regardless of age, color, disability, economic background, ethnicity, gender identity, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy status, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or weight, and I recognize the complexity that can arise in each of these identities.

we honor working directly with spirit here, and are united by a shared love of revelatory experience with the mystery.  through working with our helping spirits in trance states, communing with nature, performing ceremonies we create with our guides, engaging stillness through retreat and contemplation, and circling together, we learn and grow.  instead of borrowing from other cultures with rich and specific spiritual heritages and traditions, we respectfully practice universal pathways of direct revelation here.  our helping spirits teach us directly, as humans have done since the dawn of time.

our strong vision includes wellness for the living earth, her systems, and all of her inhabitants, whether they walk on two legs or four, swim or crawl or fly, or exist as nature, elemental, or multidimensional beings.  if you wish to receive them, I send you blessings of peace, ease, and grace.  may we be kind stewards of the earth, and of each other.


service is one of my core values.  below, a handful of wonderful folks I appreciate who are teaching, leading, and healing, and also nonprofits up to amazing and profoundly needed service.  my deepest thanks to those who help and show up, and everyone who contributes kindness, poise, and grace in our complicated times.

in my own small piece of the larger collective, beyond ongoing education to open my heart and mind to important global, social, racial, and environmental narratives, I serve through helping folks in their healing here at the dreaming otter, and quilting for shelter animals.  maximus catimus, my beloved one-eyed boy who faced tremendous hardship, was helped profoundly by a quilt while in shelter.  the unknown kind human who quilted for him introduced me to this work, and I’m so grateful.  if you do such things, happy quilting and donating!

if you’re here and reading, thanks for everything you do to support and cherish the web of life in a kind way.  you’re wonderful, loved, and appreciated.

Healers & Teachers

there are so many wonderful healers and teachers in action in our evolutionary times – heartfelt thanks for everyone who dedicates their lives to helping bring healing, as we navigate being on planet earth at this time.

it takes devotion, courage, and dedication to walk a healing path, and I have deep gratitude and respect for the beloveds shared below.

here are some friends and colleagues who may be of interest for you – I offer gratitude, respect, and appreciation to each of them, in the spirit of ‘sharing resources benefits all of us:’

Chalita Photikoe, Tamalpais Community Acupuncture
acupuncture wizardry, community sessions

Bracha Goldsmith, Your Astrology Signs
astrology, channeling, financial planning, coaching

Daniel Leonard, The Medicine Circle
shamanic and reiki teaching

Francis Rico, Shaman Zone
elder, shaman, magic maker

Madeline, You Are Magick
tarot readings, reiki, magick

Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess, Ahhhmuse
stone beings, evolutionary tools

Masharika Maddison, Lightwell Coaching
interconnected systems healing

Sandra Ingerman
shamanic teacher and author

Scott Bowman, The Soul’s Adventure
guide, wonderful listener, coach

Serge King, Aloha International
healing help, inner guidance

Shannon Willis, Red Earth Healing
ancestral healing

Sacred Geometry Bright Colors

Non Profits

reverence, gratitude, and respect to folks in service to dreams we believe in, as we do the best we can in the moment we’re in on a complicated planet.

one of my backgrounds is as an environmental educator in nonprofits, and I believe strongly in normalizing regular donation as a way of life – even $5 can make an important difference.

if there’s an org here who resonates with you, you might consider donating time or money, or sending a lovenote of appreciation.  here are some nonprofits I support and believe in, and am strongly aligned with:

American Cetacean Society
volunteer run org supporting cetaceans, local chapters

protection and care to prevent cruelty to animals

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
sanctuary for homeless pets, adoption, education

Black Girls Code
tech marketplace skills for young women of color

International Otter Survival Fund (IOSF)
conserving, protecting, and caring for otters

International Rescue Committee
global crisis support after disaster

Planned Parenthood
advocacy for reproductive health, access, and rights

Pop Culture Coalition
mental & emotional health through comics for K-12

Quilts Beyond Borders
quilts for global child orphans and refugees

The Flying Seagull Project
play, creativity, joy for children refugees in crisis

wildlife rescue & rehabilitation, environmental education


‘be kind whenever possible.

it is always possible.’

~ the dalai lama