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kind thanks

it’s been an extraordinary 20+ years of helping humans connect with spirit.

to everyone I’ve had the pleasure of working with, my gratitude and reverence to you.

below, a handful of words from folks on the path before you…

with heart,

‘I have known anna as a colleague in spiritual healing and counseling for about 10 years now.  I trust anna implicitly – her gifts and abilities, her solid, impressive and extensive experience, her great intuitive sense and insights make her an outstanding, effective healing practitioner and a trustworthy guide.

she is engaged, dedicated, passionate and always a pleasure to interact with. I have personally benefited from anna’s gifts and skills and her powerful medicine, and can attest to the powerful, safe space she creates for those around her in therapeutic settings.

anna truly carries good, strong medicine that can help anyone -whether they are a seasoned practitioner or a person who is entering their inner world for the first time.’

‘anna dorian is an extraordinary woman who is a truly vibrant and gifted healer and teacher. she creates a very sacred and safe space for her students, as well as keeps her teaching fresh and filled with wisdom, compassion, and humor.

any student or client who finds their way to anna will feel empowered, and be rewarded with a depth of healing and potent transformation.’

‘in my 20+ years of training and working as a physician, I have learned the most about what health and healing look and feel like through this work with anna, her helping spirits, and the dreaming otter.

I have experienced restoration of agency through this work.

my healing heart, my inquisitive mind, my very spirit are changed.  certainly, this work has had a profound impact on my life, and through my various roles, it now touches many others.’

‘I have long admired anna’s capacity to be able to gather just the right people together for her circles and shamanic gatherings.  with her disarming and unique style of teaching and leading, she immediately guides you to feel that something really special is about to happen.

and then.  something really special happens.

she holds sacred circle in a way that is mind blowing: just with her natural charisma and refined intellect guiding us all along with her.  people are excited and happy to be in her presence.  she is a very special lady: kind, loving and very giving.  if you want to know what a true healer and teacher looks like, look no further than anna dorian.’

‘I’ve been working with and learning from anna since 2016, a powerful and deeply beautiful experience.

anna’s teachings and sessions have been truly transformative – she’s helped me clarify my vision for my own work and build tools that bring my vision to life.  healings with her have helped me clear away blockages and fears that were holding me back from making my dream a reality.

she is the healer I trust with my most sensitive and tender wounds – after learning from anna I find myself at peace, ready to share my gifts, and in deep gratitude and wonder at the way the universe works.   anna really is a blessing to this world, and to everyone who works with her – you’ll feel like anything is possible as you step into her sessions or circles.’

‘anna is such a bright light. she is professional and very warm-hearted.  I felt at ease and cared for from the moment we met.  her dedication to her craft is second to none.

based on my work with her, the path before me has never been clearer.  I highly recommend anna for anyone seeking support or healing.’

‘anna is one of the most vibrant souls you will ever encounter.  her light shines so bright that you can’t help but be drawn to it and the gift of its warmth.  she and I first met nearly three years ago when I was seeking alternative ways to help me heal after surgery and a cancer episode – working with her brought peace and balance to my mind and body and my doctors marveled at how quickly I healed.

to be in anna’s presence is to be honored and held with love, compassion, kindness, and playfulness.  I believe there are no coincidences in this world, and meeting her was a powerful affirmation of that belief.  I have stepped further into my own light, and I am deeply grateful to know her.’

‘when you meet anna, you know immediately that she’s special. anna is many lovely things – powerful, wise, playful, and full of joy.  but I think the main reason folks keep coming back to her is because she truly sees people.  sees their beauty, their potential, the divine light within them.  being in her presence is in itself a healing, because how often in this life are we beheld in perfect love for exactly who we are?  not often enough, in my experience.

anywho, I can’t recommend anna enough! whether you are looking for radical personal transformation as I was, or you just want an extra helping “paw” through a particular circumstance in your life – there is no doubt in my mind that you will get exactly what you need.’

‘there are times in our life when we need the help and assistance of someone who is a healing practitioner. not only is anna that but she is so much more; she is a compassionate healer, an intelligent well read being, thorough and meticulous, and just so lovingly hilarious – she cracks me up!

she’s graceful, enthusiastic, and sometimes just darn magical.  she is a true professional with tremendous knowledge that you will come to be grateful for.  don’t think twice – she’s THE best in town.’

‘anna is a master of ceremonial magic and channeling, and always seems to intuit just the right medicine for the moment.  through the years, I’ve seen her in full, bright, effervescent power and leadership; and I’ve seen her respond to many challenging situations with heart, vulnerability, courage, and integrity.’

‘I have been blessed to have many wonderful healers and teachers in my life, but anna is very special – fully present and aware, so generous, loving, in full integrity, fierce, hilarious, goofy, and truly gifted.  these words of recommendation will just keep falling short.  you will be changed for the highest good.’

‘anna is TRULY MAGIC! I have never met anyone else who embodies radiance on a daily basis and literally exudes unconditional love.  when in her presence I immediately feel seen, loved, and valued.  the depth of her empathy, vulnerability, and integrity, as well as her joyful sense of play, are such incredible qualities.

in addition, she is brilliantly smart, an incredible facilitator, highly intuitive, and hugely skilled in her practice.’

‘I can’t describe the kindness and love that exude from anna to my friends whom have never met her – I call her “the first angel on earth I’ve ever met.”  she’s creates a space of love, encouragement, and the craziest level of acceptance and non-judgement I’ve ever seen. 

you cannot, will not go wrong by signing up for her sessions/treatments/offerings if you’re the least bit curious.  thank you anna for helping me find and own my path!’

‘anna is absolutely amazing – and (so very important!) has impeccable integrity.  she creates thoughtful, inspired plans for each meeting – filled with fresh ideas and new ways to gain deep insights and healing.   I so look forward to our meetings, and leave feeling uplifted and renewed.

I’ve had the precious opportunity to do one-on-one work with her – extraordinary, healing, infinitely kind, insightful, magical.  if you have a chance to work with this truly gifted healer and teacher – do it!’

‘anna is such an amazing and beautiful space holder, both online and in person.  she models exquisite respect and responsibility through love and kindness for all beings within her containers.

I have always felt seen, heard and emotionally held.  while I am healing myself I am also being shown through example how best to support others in a safe space of healing as well.  pure magic.’

‘anna has a remarkable way of holding space.  she is a compassionate teacher, fierce advocate, and caring guide for those in her care.  I feel honored and blessed, and wholeheartedly recommend the experience she offers.  it will change you and fill you with more light, empowerment, gratitude, spiritual well-being, and love.’

‘I wish I could give dear anna 5 MILLION stars!  she is a celestial being that exudes only love and kindness.  she’s also hilarious, and tender, and nurturing, and generous, and is here on this planet to teach and share her wisdom.  my life is changing in such a deep beautiful way!

I feel so cleansed and nurtured after every encounter I have with her…she is a true goddess and such a sweet being.  one of my many favorite things about anna is: she SEES YOU…and that is VERY special!!’

‘I cannot speak highly enough of her ethics, expression of joy, and the care she gives in her practice. working with anna has provided me with deeply intense, beautiful healing experiences where I have felt what it is to be held lovingly, safely in sacred space.  in turn, I’ve learned to develop my own practice of holding sacred space.  this teaching alone has been a life-changing experience for me.’