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custom reiki training & mentoring

hi friend!  whether you’re brand new to reiki or deepening in the reiki levels, you can request private training by filling out the simple form, below.

I’ll email you back within a day, and we can hop on the phone if you like to see if we’re a good fit together.  if we are, we’ll set a weekday time for your private reiki instruction, I’ll send you teaching materials to review at your own pace, and when we meet via phone for your training, we’ll review any questions, explore your particular reiki path, and enjoy attunements and practice together.

long before all the group classes in san francisco, I learned reiki one-on-one with my beloved reiki teacher, joann pun, at her kitchen table over croissants.  I cherish that memory – there’s something special about really connecting with your teacher, and having so much love and care focused on your healing journey.

although I’m not feeling called right now to teach groups, reiki is my first love, and I’m happy to share the light of reiki with you in a simple, sweet way.

Sacred Geometry Bright Colors

I treat individual reiki trainings like a custom healing session, and charge $345 for a two-hour session, no matter what level you’re training in.  you’ll receive reiki teaching materials (20-50 pages depending on your level of practice), 2 hours together, additional support resources as needed, and followup from me during your integration.

reiki knows what it’s doing, and training can be easy, simple, strong, and sweet.

once you fill out the form below, I’ll get back to you within a day, and we’ll set a weekday time for your training.  this usually takes one or two emails, and means we get to lightly connect before we float down reiki river together.  if you have questions, please email and let me know.  welcome!

reiki blessings,

request reiki training

2 hours together via phone, any reiki level, $345
includes teaching materials, custom instruction, attunement, practice + followup

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what has your journey with reiki been like so far?
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kind words

my love and thanks to my reiki students over these last 20 years.  some of their words:

I have just completed a reiki class with anna, and it was a wonderful experience.  I’m so glad to have found a teacher who exudes love, compassion, warmth and kindness.   she knows her subject very well, and her teaching style is very interactive.  she was clear in her instruction and guidance – I have also had a personal session with her, and she is very nurturing, focused, and present. I highly recommend anna’s classes and her private sessions! – angelica

I absolutely adore anna’s methods of teaching.  she is loving and kind while being SUPER resourced, connected, knowledgeable and professional.  she is the REAL deal, and teaches compassionately by encouraging her students to DEEPLY heal themselves and find their OWN personal answers through their paths of direct revelation. – eden

I am fresh from my journey with reiki II with anna. it is difficult to encompass in words all the ways in which this enlightened me…grew me…held space for me… I am so grateful that I was able to do this. it was magical, loving, funny, challenging, easy, exciting, fabulous, healing, astonishing, and FUN. I take the symbols and lessons I learned forward with me into the future, excited to continue down my soul’s path. it seems happy to have found some proper footing at last. – janet