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learn to work directly with your spirit helpers

30 min at-home course

I’ve been teaching folks how to take shamanic journeys for 20+ years.  journeying is amazing, because when we learn how to make friends with our helping spirits and have adventures in the beautiful unseen worlds, we have direct access to guidance and healing that helps us remember who we are, and what we came here to do.

that feels like coming home, and it’s really beautiful.

beyond remembering our purpose, being able to receive healings, and asking questions about what’s going on in our lives with guides who love us, shamanic journeying is helpful, fascinating, and fun.

it’s also a prerequisite for dreaming otter courses and circles, and opens doorways to more advanced trainings like learning extraction and soul retrieval.

it’s a complex time to be a human here planetside, and it’s wonderful to feel loved and supported without condition.  journeying with helping spirits is one way to do that.


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self-paced learning

I’ve explained how to journey a few thousand times over the decades (holy wow, that’s a lot, laughter), and it feels good to have distilled ideas about shamanic journeying into a short, self-paced course you can work through at your own pace, with a cozy cup of tea and an open heart.

the course is designed for healers interested in beginning learning about modern shamanic practice… but I wrote it for everyone.

it takes about a half-hour to read through the 30-page book, filled with beautiful images of nature and animals, and take a first practice journey.  you learn:

  • 3 stories to illustrate some fundamental truths about healing
  • ideas about helping spirits, who come in every shape and form (goddesses, gods, elementals, animal and human teachers, ascended masters, well ancestors, modern and ancient archetypes)
  • a basic map of the 3 unseen worlds and how to journey into them, setting sacred space, and FAQ like, ‘what if I’m making all of this up?’
  • sample journey to give you a sense of how *one* journey might look, practice drumming track, and journey worksheet to help you focus your intention
  • ideas on how to deepen with your helping spirits, and invitations to connect and explore how this work can help you in your personal and professional life


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receive the course

this is a free course, because I feel that journeying with spirit helpers to receive information and healing should be available to all interested humans.  it was a joy to create this for you!

the course is also a way for us to meet, if you wish.  there are invitations woven throughout the book to share a cup of tea, because this is a vast and deeply nuanced body of work, the course is a (very) condensed intro, and the best way to learn and deepen is to actually connect.

you can receive the course on shamanic journeying by adding your name and email below.  as you enter your email, you’ll join the monthly(ish) email list, which shares about community events.

if you have questions, please feel free to email me (I answer every email I receive in a day or so).

I wish you such joy in this work – welcome home!

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