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hi lovely folks!

this blog article is a list of ‘healings you might learn or receive here’…

and it is…and isn’t…helpful.

that’s because I can rattle off lists of healing modalities the whole day long, and although that might sound fancy, it may not actually help you if you’re in a healing process.

that said, you might be shopping around for a teacher or mentor, and healing forms like ‘lightarian’ or ‘dynamind’ or ‘work with the goddesses’ are part of your search.  okey dokey.

with that in mind, here’s a list of *some* things we might get up to in healing sessions and encounters at the dreaming otter, and a little nugget of info about each one:

  • activations (these are channeled specifically for you)
  • akashic healing (look at spirit contracts at work, heal them)
  • ancestral work (work with bright and well ones for ease)
  • ceremony (change the shape of creation, use your power)
  • channeling (learn how, channel your own guides safely)
  • cord healing (no ‘cord cutting’ here, heal cords with compassion)
  • crystal grids (work with bones of the earth to anchor power)
  • dowsing (use pendulums to actually change and move energy)
  • dynamind technique (like EFT on steroids, fast, effective shift)
  • elemental work (friendships with land, air, water, fire spirits and devas)
  • extraction (remove energy that doesn’t belong and causes difficulty)
  • goddess work (neopagan maiden/mother/crone archtypes + goddesses specifically aligned to you)
  • guide retrieval (ascended healing masters, goddesses/gods, animal or human guides, ancient + contemporary teachers)
  • labyrinth healing (death and rebirth in the mystery of the labyrinth)
  • living altar creation (altars are not just for ‘worship,’ they move power around, too)
  • magical council (facilitated journey with several ‘honored guests’ to help you with a specific topic)
  • medicine keys (like a ‘spiritual app’ that launches for specific support, great to reset patterns)
  • metatronia energy® (channeled healing with metatron energies)
  • oracle healing (divination spreads, oracle journeys and archetype channeling)
  • past life regression (explore and heal links from other lifetimes)
  • perfect health blueprints (retrieve the spirit of healthy organs and body systems)
  • personal retreat creation (work with spirit, create intentional retreat, come home to you)
  • power restoration (bring back lost power, chi, dreams, essence)
  • reiki (karuna®) (work with avalokiteshvara + quan yin, 8 contemporary reiki symbols)
  • reiki (komyo) (yamaguchi lineage of reiki healing)
  • reiki (lightarian®)  (accelerated spiritual healing)
  • reiki (usui) (takata lineage of reiki healing)
  • sacred art (shamanic art is not ‘representative of power’, it IS power)
  • sacred storytelling (special crafting of your own healing story + special witnessing)
  • shamanic divination (asking the spirits about situations and outcomes)
  • soul retrieval (bringing home lost power after trauma, coming home to you)
  • spiritual contract work (releasing and rewriting contracts that dictate experience)
  • talisman creation (create a power object for a specific purpose, petition for help)
  • tarot (working with archetypal forces for healing through lens of tarot)
  • unburdening/unwinding (offering troubles to the spirits, unwinding burdening energy)

…and sometimes, new healing technology that helping spirits bring through just for you.

again, this is a list of ‘lots of healing tools you can learn or receive here.’

it may or may not help you in your discernment.

either way, it was fun to create for you…and even more fun to work with, celebrate, and experience.

if some of these healing tools perk up your ears, we can work together in healing sessions where you can receive them or learn how to offer them for others.

questions?  please email me.  I’d love to hear from you.


ps – do you know one or two folks who would benefit from receiving the dreaming otter articles? if yes, please encourage them to subscribe to the email list here. I would be so grateful – thanks, and may that kindness return to you a thousandfold.