hello, bright beauty. if you’re here, you’re questing for a strong container with an experienced guide to help you come home to yourself and your magic.
that’s exciting! I celebrate with you. warm welcome.
most of the folks I work with are leaders and healers with big dreams, visionary skills, and special gifts. is this familiar?
the spirits do their part, you do yours.
magic happens.
you’re on the cusp of a new chapter in your life, and need to heal old patterns so it can begin. you welcome tools and fresh perspective from a strong colleague.
your purpose and path are expanding at light speed. something extraordinary is happening inside, and you find yourself in an ascension or leveling-up process.
you’ve sent up strong prayer for magic in your world, and a catalyst is needed to propel things into motion. you’re ready to be seen and celebrated in your power.
working with loving helping spirits is at the heart of all of the healing that happens here.
our helping spirits can see when an obstacle you’re facing is caused by an old soul contract, energy that isn’t yours, or when tender witnessing and skilled reflection can help propel you beyond what’s holding you back.
spirit helpers know when it’s the right time for you to try your hand at creative ceremony, receive a soul retrieval or extraction, or take deep personal retreat and remember what it’s like to experience sacred play. these are glorious experiences!
in ‘the healing oasis,’ we name what’s going on for you, honor larger patterns in your life, and apply skillful tools to help you feel loved, remember your purpose, and be happy. we do big work, and have room for fun, laughter, and honoring the tender moments together. we use a balance of very practical and delightfully magical tools to support you.
I’ve been helping folks in their healing process for 23 years, and make the work feel kind and sweet – even when there is struggle or complexity. some of the sacred tools I use are listed below for you to feel into. where does your heart wake up?
after trauma, illness, challenge, or a hard time, part of your vital essence – or soul – can get lost along the way. with soul loss, you may feel lost, depressed, forgetful, unable to ‘get over something,’ stuck, or unable to remember how to dream, or play.
in a soul retrieval, the spirits literally bring you home to yourself, so you can feel flow again, and be more whole. welcome home!
if you had a huge splinter sticking out of your physical body, you’d be susceptible to all manner of bacteria that would cause difficulty and compromise your immune system. same goes for energy intrusions, which compromise your energy body and let low-level energy in.
in an extraction (think of it like ‘a shamanic carwash’) the spirits remove energy thrown at you, built up over time, or that causes harm.
this beautiful practice is at the heart of all shamanic work. because the helping spirits know everything about you and your evolutionary path, we can ask them questions and receive guidance and healing. the spirits don’t ‘tell you what to do’ – they help you see more clearly, and offer help.
we can ask what your soul is trying to learn in challenging situations, what the result of a course of action might feel like, or how to best use your power to support yourself.
ceremony changes the way energy flows through your life. by using strong intention, symbolic tools, and help from the spirits, you can truly let something go…or powerfully call something in.
learning how to create your own unique ceremonies is a superbly useful life skill.
everyone can perform effective ceremony. the spirits and I will walk you through step by step, and then you go play like the mystics do.
in any interaction with a person, place, or situation, we form energy cords (good, bad, and ‘interesting’). this is normal, and part of living. what’s not useful is when an energy cord becomes draining, sticky, outdated, or holds you back from moving forward in life.
cords happen for a reason, and are often trying to meet a need or an old unseen contract – it can feel shocking to ‘cut them.’ the spirits work compassionately, and redirect cords to an infinite source that is not you or your energy. cord healing feels relieving, like getting free of something heavy you’ve been dragging around for a long time.
me listing off a wide array of healing tools can be a little overwhelming, but there are lots of them available here.
in case your ears perk up, here are some technologies we can use, or teach you:
channeled activations, rewriting soul contracts, ancestral healing, dowsing, crystal grids, dynamind technique, power restoration, working with the goddesses, healing labyrinths, magical councils, living altars, medicine keys, reiki, past life healing, personal retreat, unburdening and unwinding, healing stories, tarot, questing, sacred art.
you’re a sophisticated adult human. you understand that one healing session is lovely – and lasting change happens through repeated experiences in a strong container. here’s what 3 sessions together looks like:
before your first session, you’ll have an opportunity to write about what you wish to heal, catalyze, or welcome in your life. you plant sacred seeds – what you share shapes our adventure together.
our first session is 2 hours long, with a biobreak in the middle. we’ll expand on what you shared in your intake form, learn with the helping spirits about what’s going on for you, and begin the healing work. the vibe is cozy, strong, and sweet.
your healing process is important.
we go gently, have fun, and do powerful work.
this work is alchemical – healing medicines will begin appearing outside of session. in sessions two and three, we deepen the work and weave in strong tools. most likely, you’ll have gentle homework between sessions, like a simple practice to play with or ceremony to perform.
if you’re new to working with me and want to get a sense of my energy and the space I hold, here are a some ways to do that: