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Learn & Grow With Colleagues & Helping Spirits

as healers, we are always learning

explore supportive teachings with kindred spirits

one hour, first tuesdays @ 8amPT

next circle: jan 7, 2025
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whether you’re starting out or have been in practice for several years, it’s wonderful to gather with other healers, support each other, and talk shop as we fulfill our unique callings.

our modalities and offerings are different – and we move through similar trials and experiences as healers.

we all learn to trust our work as it constantly evolves, endure initiations and meet challenges, continually hone our skills, refine boundaries, fall down and get up, and struggle to keep going when we feel weary.

green mossy macro ‘the complexity, immensity, and intensity of what we do as healers needs support – places of oasis for those of us who tend and mend.


anna is great at creating these spaces, whether she’s training the next generation of healers or holding space for those of us who have been living this work for decades.’

– dr. daniel foor

our work also occurs in truly wonderful flow states, when everything feels rooted in deep joy.  it’s a genuine pleasure to celebrate a colleague’s win, or share our own.

in this dynamic, organic circle, we do just that.


you’ll find the next 3 circle dates + topics at the end of this page.

at a glance, here are some ideas we explore with each other and our helping spirits:

  • being new at something (skill with growing edges)
  • helping others when you’re in initiation yourself
  • compassion fatigue & support from the spirits
  • grappling with ‘the witch wound’ and being seen
  • real down time & resting as part of working
  • marketing that feels good (in 3d and the unseen)
  • when you don’t need more training & it’s time to fly
  • trusting what comes through you in your work
  • when things fall apart, or you’ve screwed up
  • secondary trauma, client projection & energy hygiene
  • saying graceful ‘no’ to folks who aren’t a good fit
  • eldering, mentoring, passing the work on


we gather live from all over the world for about an hour.  here’s the general time flow:

  • welcome & agreements (5 min)
  • sitting together in silence, slowing down (5 min)
  • journaling with prompts on our gathering topic (10 min)
  • pair up with a colleague, listen, ask questions, receive support (15m)
  • connect with your spirits, receive a direct teaching (10m)

green tree canopy light filtering 72dpi 500x500 1 new healers:
these topics can help you avoid ‘learning the hard way’


experienced healers:
fresh perspective keeps our work alive and vibrant


this is a sweet way to ease into a work week, and also a regular monthly touchstone to keep energies fresh and moving in your practice.

after journaling a bit, we’ll pair up with a colleague to explore our monthly topic.  instead of ‘offering advice’ (we don’t do that here), we ask skillful questions to deepen understanding and open avenues for contemplation.

in this way, we honor direct revelation.  we support others in discovering their own truth, and they help us in finding ours.

we’ll close with a direct experience with live drumming and our various helping spirits in the unseen, where we each receive a teaching to help us on our personal and professional paths.

the spirits have a way of aligning the teachings with what’s alive for us, or what’s on the horizon that we may not see.  it’s fun to see how the work…works.


it’s warm and convivial to be together, in good company with kindred spirits.  I’m so happy to welcome you.

please note: journey skills are required, which means you’re able to connect directly with your helping spirits.  if that’s new for you, you can learn how in our free intro course.

if you have questions, please email – see you soon!



below, our next 3 topics.  you can stay in the loop for upcoming circles in the newsletter.