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Learn To Clear Unseen Energy That Causes Difficulty

unseen energy blocks healing

when your clients have ‘done everything’ and still struggle

unseen intrusions, attachments and contracts may be the problem

sunday mornings, begins sept 7, 2025
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‘extraction’ or ‘clearing:’ unseen energies cause difficulty, struggle, illness, and disharmony when they end up where they don’t belong (like stuck to a human, or in a place).

‘extraction’ and ‘clearing’ are the arts of compassionately sending energies where they do belong.  it’s a harmonious solution for everyone, and an extraordinary way to serve.


there are times when you’ve ‘tried everything’ in 3D with practical tools that *should* shift a situation for yourself or the lovely folks you tend…and the situation stays stagnant, stuck, harmful, or deteriorates despite everyone’s best efforts.

green plants sunshine 72dpi 500x500 1just because we can’t see spiritual intrusions or attachments in waking reality…doesn’t mean they aren’t keeping us stuck or struggling.

when this happens, unseen energy is often at play.

unseen energy like spirit intrusions, attachments, cords, and contracts can cause harm, ‘stuckness,’ and ongoing challenge.

just because we can’t see these things in the human realm doesn’t mean they’re not hindering progress – just like how a bacterial infection we can’t see with the naked eye can cause all manner of hardship for an unknowing human who seems to be ‘doing all the right things’ and is still suffering.

this kind of healing work is fascinating, helpful, and effective.


your clients crave real progress, and you want to help them with it.

often, singular approaches (like only working in 3D waking reality) aren’t enough to shift the complex situations your clients face.

if you’ve ever witnessed a client or loved one who ‘did everything right’ and still felt stuck or faced endless obstacles, you’ve seen this already.

let’s put it this way: all of the therapy, bodywork, cognitive understanding and positive lifestyle changes in the world (which are wonderful, and very needed)…aren’t going to help a client or loved one struggling with unseen energy dynamics.

educating yourself, and building friendships with helping spirit specialists who release unhelpful energy can be the ‘missing piece’ you or your clients have been seeking.


green tree canopy light filtering 72dpi 500x500 1 this work is beautiful, and of service in seen and unseen reality.

when energy flows freely, real healing can happen.

  • unseen spiritual contracts (which can be ancient) can keep situations and dynamics firmly in place.  if a contract is strong and active, and opposite to what your client wants to change or heal, your client will face obstacles and challenges and not make progress even with the best 3D tools.  you can learn how to work with your helping spirits to complete, release, and clear unseen contracts, so new dynamics and experience become possible.
  • transpersonal energy fields (which can be massive) form around every kind of human experience (love, loss, money, power, fear, faith, longing, etc).  when a client gets tangled up in a huge energy field and unknowingly exchanges energy with it, it’s like getting stuck in an immense, sticky spiderweb.  once you understand how collective energy fields work, you and your helping spirits can disentangle clients from them, so they can act from a place of calm, neutrality, and power.

we’ll work with several different energy dynamics like the two examples above.

this kind of work is both fascinating and makes sense of a lot of ‘mysterious’ challenges.  finding compassionate homes for misplaced energy, releasing harmful contracts, untangling clients from sticky collective fields, and removing intrusions that compromise the ‘spiritual immune’ is beautiful work.


all of this work is based in building close, direct relationship with our unseen helping spirits.

it’s wonderful and rewarding to build friendships with them, and they know how to move energy in powerful ways that benefit human clients, students, and communities.

you’ll meet several helping spirit ‘specialists’ in the course, learn with a cohort of kind humans, and build effective skills to move unhelpful energy so healing can happen.

here’s what we cover, week by week:

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week 1: welcome & community building

  • opening ceremony, meet the container and each other, journey
  • meet your main extraction specialist (they coordinate all your work)
  • homework: intentional time in nature & tea with a classmate

week 2: foundations & theory

  • kinds of intrusions and attachments that cause illness, imbalance
  • ways clients can be compromised that make them susceptible
  • work with your extraction specialist, assess your own intactness
  • homework: retrieve a unique way to boost your ‘spiritual immune’

week 3: the precursor of light

  • ‘spiritual immune’ + light-based healing, meet 2 ‘filling in’ specialists
  • find your unique form of ‘healing salve’ for use after every extraction
  • homework: ‘filling in’ practices that work for you

week 4: clearing non-living energies

  • meet a specialist, receive teachings about non-living intrusions
  • practice clearing a congealed thought form, and a static intrusion
  • refine your own ‘filling’ technique to anchor light and power (critical!)
  • homework: work with a classmate, clear energy with permission
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week 5: unhooking fields

  • energy fields, how clients can get tangled or trapped in them
  • diagnostic with a partner, clear engaged fields that don’t serve
  • homework: write a life-map, unhook from old fields and energies

week 6: clearing (some) living energies

  • learn about (some of) the complexities of misplaced living energies
  • meet a specialist helper, portal, and tool to assist you in this work
  • beginning ‘holographic exercise’ to clear a misplaced energy
  • homework: give and receive a clearing outside of circle

week 7: clearing spiritual contracts

  • learn where you & your helping spirits will access & clear contracts
  • creative ‘declaration ceremonies’ to replace old contracts with new ones
  • identify 3 ‘stuck places’ in your practice & investigate active contracts
  • homework: perform a healing incorporating what you’ve learned, write a case study

week 8: case studies

  • share your (anonymous) case study from last week in circle
  • listen to case studies from classmates (you’ll learn a lot this way!)
  • ask your main extraction specialist for an advanced ‘teaching story’
  • homework: keep practicing.  receive teachings not covered in circle
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week 9: putting this into practice

  • work with your spirits, ‘how do I bring this into my life and work?’
  • learn about colleagues who specialize in this work, reach out to one
  • retrospective, gratitude, honoring the work and our helping spirits
  • homework: connect in community, tend your field, be of service


  • you may need extra support on one of the ideas we explore, ranging from contracts to attachments
  • I’m available for private sessions – we can expand on circle topics, and move into advanced work

healer’s note

I hesitated to learn some of these techniques for a long time – I’ve had a lot of experience with unseen energy causing me real harm, and the idea of ‘extraction’ sometimes felt scary.  on the other side of a lot of initiation, I can see how much easier my path could have been if more folks were trained and skilled with information like what we cover here.

these days, I find equal joy in advanced work with soul retrieval (helping you come home to yourself) and extraction (helping misplaced energy get where it needs to be, so no harm is done).  I see these forms of healing as merciful, immensely needed in our times, and vital to fulfilling our missions here planetside.

energy that’s ultimately trying to get needs met in inappropriate places (like a human life) needs love and compassion just like everything else.  the entire web of life benefits when energy gets where it needs and wants to be – it’s an honor and joy to be able to help with this kind of work.

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green winding path water 72dpi 500x500 1this kind of healing is compassionate, immensely needed in our times, and vital for harmony in a human life

  • 27 hours instruction over 9 weeks, $999
  • each small cohort is limited to 8 participants
  • 9 sundays via zoom, 9am-noon PT (dates below)
  • materials: journal, your choice of book, ceremony materials


prerequisite: ‘energy tools for every healer’ + strong journey skills


once you’ve met the circle prerequisite, you can sign up for the training below.

circling in small groups like this is wonderful – we learn from each other and the spirits, and belonging in community is healing itself.  this is deeply compassionate work, and a joy to discover together.  welcome!

join us

dates for our circle are below.  note: we rest on nov 2.