warm welcome
folks arrive in my kind of work because big change is happening (or wishes to) in your life.
hi folks. I’m anna.
warm welcome.
perhaps you’re at a significant crossroads, what used to fit doesn’t anymore, or a relationship or life chapter is ending.  maybe a new dream is waking up, and you’re feeling a phoenix moment, where you wish to recreate yourself and use your gifts.
or, perhaps someone you trust sent you here because the time is right. welcome.
what we do
we work with alchemical healing, ceremony, and the spirits to change the way energy flows in your life, so you can grow through change with ease and grace.
in session, we hop on the phone, I use my superpower and put you instantly at ease, and we sit and talk together as kindred spirits have done for millennia, about what hurts or is beginning.
we’re comfy and easy together, and when we have clarity, we use a healing tool from a huge basket of them for your situation. potent healing doesn’t have to feel hard or somber – your session will feel like you had a magical, organic conversation, received something luminous, and then energy started flowing in your life.
skillful healing is like this. effective, kind, and sweet.
tools we might use
I’ve been teaching this work for 23 years, and house a lot of tools. here are a few:
-    CEREMONY: based on what’s beginning or ending, the spirits can create a unique, empowering ceremony for you to perform. if you’re new to performing your own ceremonies, they’re wondrous fun, and effective at anchoring change. I’ll walk you through each step.
-    SOUL RETRIEVAL: if a painful initiation has happened (illness, loss, grieving), we might work with ‘soul retrieval’ to bring your actual essence home. things that felt stuck or lonely start flowing again – it’s a real relief to feel well with yourself.
-    DIVINATION: if you’re in a crossroads moment, we may ask the spirits for a divination about the outcome of your possible choices. these are both really excellent ‘sacred storytime’ experiences, and bring a lot of clarity about the energy behind a decision.
-    MEDICINE KEYS: a shadow of our times is addiction, to social media and scrolling, overworking and overgiving, and so on. a family member created these and you won’t find them elsewhere – they’re rare and special. a medicine key is like a ‘spiritual app’ you can launch at need.
- Â Â Â OTHER TOOLS: a list of healing tech won’t help you per se, and other healing tools to give you ideas might be: healing energetic cords, releasing outdated soul contracts, work with the oracle, extracting troublesome energy, or channeling with the goddesses.
my role is to see the light in you, the strength, what is divine, and gently help weed away anything that keeps you from feeling that yourself, so you can take action in your life and do what you came here to.
we can have fun even in struggle and complexity – it’s an honor to walk with you.
if you’re new here
If we haven’t worked together before (happy hello!), I’ve created a beautiful 30-minute healing for you so you can experience my work before booking a session. this was a real joy to create for you, and I hope you love it.
‘the sacred initiation’ is a guided journey where you have wondrous adventures, meet a spirit teacher, and receive a healing.
the experience takes a half hour, and you can enter your email here to receive it and get a feeling for what working together might be like.
until we connect
you can book a session time below via phone, monday through friday.
we’ll have a lovely, sweet time together – I wish you joy and ease until we connect.
happy healing,
book a session
if you need a weekday time not listed, please email and we’ll see what we can do.