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Hyper-Focused Sessions For Returning Students & Clients

fast, fierce, fun sessions

we’ve worked together before – our hearts are old friends

bring one highly-focused topic to the spirits, for one hour

weekdays, via phone
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if you’re here, we’ve worked together in the last 22+ years in sessions or classes.  hullo!

Anna thedreamingotter headshot if it’s been a minute, or what’s up for you is big, blessings.

we’ll find our way together, and ask the spirits and the healing power of love to hold us.

because our hearts know each other already, we can pick up right where we left off, whether it’s been a few days or a couple decades.

in a lightning session (for return clients and students only), we focus on a SINGLE topic, and work with helping spirits and healing energies to bring positive change into your life.

note: you know as well as I do that healing is complex.  ‘one topic’ might actually be connected to…many topics, some ancient and complex that require strong tending, some easy and playful to shift in one quick spin on the dance floor.

if more sessions are needed, we’ll discover that together.  that said, we can get a lot done in an hour.  I’m looking forward to spending time in healing space with you.


as you book a session, you’ll fill out an intake form.  please share as much as you can about your single strong intention – some seemingly small thing may perk my ears up, or help me recognize a larger pattern.  unburdening yourself before we chat helps us be efficient when we’re together.

I’ll sit in prayer the day of session with what you write, we’ll hop on the phone, say happy hello, and get comfy together.

the divine will handle the rest.

my work these days is organic.  we might work with the spirits in a soul retrieval or extraction.  we might connect with the goddesses, reiki, or ceremony.  I might channel for you, create a medicine key, hold a magical counsel, or offer healing stories and songs.

we’ll learn together what’s needed, real time.

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we’ll do what we can with one strong, clear intention in a lightning session,

and have a good time doing it.

my strong intention is that you feel like you had a really easy conversation, some beautiful things happened as we chatted, and then your life gets easier and holds more flow.

simple!  (wink)

after session, I’ll email a summary, recordings of the spirit work if you wish, and followup materials as needed.

lightning sessions feel accelerated and fun.


rattling off lists of healing modalities doesn’t help you if you’re in pain or in process, and it’s also helpful to know what’s available in case you’re looking for something specific.

also, if you see something here you’d like to learn to do yourself, and we can cover that in an hour, let’s do it!

pretty much, you know how it feels to be together, and here’s a (fairly complete) list of tools we might use on your behalf:

  • akashic healing
  • ceremony
  • channeling
  • cord healing
  • crystal grids
  • dowsing
  • dynamind technique
  • elemental declarations
  • extraction
  • goddess activations
  • guide or helper retrieval
  • labyrinth healing
  • living altar creation
  • magical council
  • medicine keys
  • metatronia energy®
  • oracle archetypes
  • past life regression
  • perfect health blueprints
  • personal retreat creation
  • power restoration
  • reiki (karuna®)
  • reiki (komyo)
  • reiki (lightarian®)
  • reiki (usui-based)
  • sacred art
  • sacred storytelling
  • shamanic divination
  • soul retrieval
  • spiritual contract work
  • talisman creation
  • tarot journey
  • unburdening or untangling fields

…sometimes, the spirits bring through new healing technology just for you.  (so fun!)

pink flower closeup 500x500 1 …see you soon…

big heart hug

whatever is going on for you, we’ll dive right in, roll up our sleeves, weave some humor and goofy otter puns in here and there, and move energy in your world.

until we connect, I send you a dreaming otter bearing sweet gifts, a shooting star to wish on, and all of the love in creation.



hello returning clients & students!


you can book a lightning session below, mon-fri.

if you need a time not listed, email and we’ll see what we can do.