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6 Months Of Custom Mentoring & Alchemy



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it’s complex to be a human, in our times.

you’re balancing living, loving, working, constant electronic tugs, challenges, old patterns, dreams, relationships, friendships, deep need for rest, yearning for adventure, spiritual practice, changing global realities, elder care, community, creative expression…

and inside, you’re learning who you are and simply trying to be happy.

that’s a lot.

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my spirits and I can see how a healing here, a practical shift there, a brave conversation,

or return to rest and sacred play can propel you forward in a good way.

we are not meant to undertake the sacred journey of this life alone.


when a new dream is waking, during major transitions, or when you know it’s time for inner exploration and change, you benefit from strong support with an experienced healer.

creating your version of ‘the magical life’ with the spirits and healing energy happens here in a robust and beautiful container.  the work helps you feel supported, cherished, witnessed, and held as you learn and grow.

it feels beautiful.

if you love exploring the mystery, and want a life where ceremony, flow, creativity, and remembering the wonder of living aren’t luxuries you wistfully contemplate but instead mainstays of your world, let’s share a cup of tea and see if this is for you.


note: this page is intentionally a bit mysterious.

that’s because alchemy itself is deliciously inexplicable.  ongoing mentoring, healing, and working regularly with the spirits with alchemical intention will reliably bring metamorphosis into your world.

your healing journey isn’t going to look like anyone else’s.  you and I will need to actually talk and explore together to see if this is a good fit for you.

and, your heart will know.

your antennae will perk up.  your heart will stir.  there will be curiosity, a tug of yearning, and something will stir within.

that’s exciting!  I celebrate with you.

I love this work, this wooing of magic into lives that can feel overly complex or gone stale in our turbulent times.  I draw on my 22+ years experience helping people heal, live their purpose, and feel happy in ‘the magical life.’

we invite change and magic in.  they respond.

if you want to chat and noodle on this work together, there’s a form below to set that in motion.  as you discern if this is for you, here’s a peek of how the work might unfold:

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working regularly with the spirits and healing energies creates strong internal foundations,

so beautiful external changes can happen in a graceful way.


we start with fundamentals – once you learn how to talk with your spirit guides yourself and build healthy relationships with them, you have access to guidance and healing energies directly, which bring ease and flow into your life.  you are yourself magical, so we open doors to help you remember that.  (this part is so fun!)

with your spirit helpers and healing energies aboard, strong foundations are in place.  the real work begins.

healing what hurts comes next, now that you’ve started friendships and practices that keep you firmly plugged in to sweetness, mystery, and flow.  healings like soul retrieval and power restoration help you come home to yourself, so you can feel like you again.

next, we look to releasing and healing old energies, cords, and contracts that keep you stuck or small.  when your energy is less burdened and your soul is more whole and at home, you’re able to be with yourself, and can stop moving so fast in an effort to fill yourself up.

ah!  that feels good.  it’s easing.  and sweet.

‘the magical life’ works in an organic, dynamic flow, interwoven with laughter, sacred play, and creative ceremonies you perform.  you are accompanied by the unexpected, lively, and always-loving intervention of the spirits along the way.

you’ll learn a lot of tools, your worldview and capacity will expand, and as we go along you’ll gain the skill to step outside the noise, find yourself, and actually change the way energy flows in your life.

it’s a beautiful journey, custom-crafted just for you.


this work doesn’t happen overnight – it’s a process.  and, it doesn’t have to take forever, either.

we work together for a minimum of six months, and often more like a year, during which your life becomes progressively more easeful, beautiful, and magical.  when you feel the changes firmly in place, you’re ready to fly on your own – it’s a joy to move through this process.

here’s the container:

  • two-hour session every two weeks via phone, with session notes and recordings
  • monday morning check-ins, weekday email support, one ‘as-needed’ session
  • beautiful digital workspace to track call notes, recordings, resources, and homework
  • welcome package with a specially chosen divination tool and power object for you


for deep work like this, where we spend several hours a month together during regular sessions with email support, custom digital workspace, and at-need healing sessions, I charge $1,550 a month, payable monthly via credit card, or $9,300 per six-month engagement.

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our gentle goal together is you living your version of ‘the magical life,’

from a deeply well place.

also.  I don’t want cost to stop you from doing the work, and I’ll do my best to meet you where you’re at with the resources of time and energy I have available, while taking good care of myself.

if finances are a challenge, and $1,550 monthly is out of reach, we can talk about modifying the price or container for you if we’re a good fit together.  actually talking together and figuring out what works is always the best way forward.  if our hearts are aligned, we’ll figure it all out with creativity, humor, and good communication.

if an initial call or healing session series reveals we’re a good fit together, we’ll both commit to a series of agreements to ensure a strong container for ongoing work together.  this work is rich, deep, and fun – it’s a beautiful ride.


it’s extraordinary to witness what happens for folks in this container.

here are some words from women on the path before you:

‘some of the results I’ve seen in my own life that I attribute to working with anna have included tangible things like leaving a job that no longer served me, and intangible things like getting back in touch with my intuition, and realizing now that I can create and call in my own magic in life – anytime, anywhere.  I feel more at home with me than I ever have.’

– jordan, california


‘anna is radiant woman and powerful healer.  I had a lot of hard experiences to put behind me, and we moved in this really gentle way through big healings.  I feel magical (like anna would say) for the first time.  it was a lot of work, but in the very best way.  I can’t put this better: I feel happy today.  stronger.  I laugh more.  I’m really grateful to love my life instead of just getting through it.’

– grace, maine


‘my work with anna surpassed my hopes and dreams.  when complex life situations arise for me, I can handle them with ease now.  things that used to burden me just don’t anymore, and my life is SO much slower and sweeter.  I feel like my world is full of wonder and magic now, and the knowledge I’ve gained impacts my life daily.  amazing!

– toni, alaska


this isn’t the kind of work where you book a session and *poof* off we go.  instead, if you feel interested, let’s start with sharing a cup of tea over the phone in a free consultation, and we’ll learn if this work is for you.

probably, we’ll start with a series of 3 sessions to begin, because jumping right in is too much, too soon.  however.  planting seeds of intention is powerful, so we start by gazing up at ‘the magical life’ as our star to steer by, and the mystery handles the rest.

you can fill out the form below, and I’ll email you back so we can schedule a chat, and see what wants to come into form.  welcome!

please note: there are a variety of offerings at the dreaming otter, ranging from modest to luxury. 'the magical life' is a premium offering, priced at $1,550 monthly for 6 months. before we schedule, please affirm that this work is well-timed for your resources.(Required)
