hello, bright beauty. I’m anna, a teacher of shamanic and energy healing for 23 years. I do rare and beautiful work in the world, and I’m honored to share it with you.
to do so, I’m going to invite you into an unusual thing: reading a love letter.
this love letter is for the folks I work with – we are brilliant, eclectic, gifted, creative, sensitive, unusual, and we love a good read.
hi folks. I’m anna.
warm welcome.
this page will take you a moment to digest. that is intentional. ‘the magical life’ is real healing – meeting it requires a cup of tea, a deep breath, and quiet moments to let the poetry settle in.  if welcoming wild, raw beauty and your version of a magical life is for you, may you feel welcome here.
with heart,
feeling seen
before any of our work together can begin, there is one vital thing that must happen:
you must feel truly seen, heard, and accepted exactly as you are.
feeling seen is profoundly healing – this is not to be underestimated. the parts of you that have been carrying tension and efforting so hard to feel heard at a deep level can finally heave a big sigh of relief, and begin to relax, once it sinks in that you are seen. this is so relieving, to be understood and honored.
in our inquiry together, we take time getting to know the magic and intricacy of you. it is important. once you feel seen, the work can begin.
connecting to the sacred
being able to talk with your spirit helpers is one of the best tools we place in your hands in ‘the magical life.’ this is a real strength, because your spirits can see your larger life arc, blind spots, greatest gifts, the most skillful path forward, and you can receive healing and guidance at any time, for the rest of your life.
your pathway to the divine may also look like coming home to yourself through breathwork, meditation, movement, prayer, or art. we’ll learn what delights you most, and regularly weave that in along with support from your helping spirits.  your spiritual practice can be delightful, and is completely your own.
all of our work together is about waking up what is sacred within you.
dynamic & organic
it can take us a few months to even get to the place where you’re regularly engaging and living with magical practices. this isn’t ‘hurry up and heal’ – this is ‘there are jewels along the path, let’s make room so the beauty asking to happen can make itself known.’
the work is organic and dynamic. gentle and strong. mysterious. it has its own pace.
for some folks, the cadence of transformation is fast and exhilarating, and roars into creation like a tiger crashing down the mountain. for others, alchemy comes for tea wearing gentler skin, and we celebrate the sensitivity, empathy and gentle play that ease your quiet self. however we pace together, there will be a time where we roll up sleeves and begin actively tending what needs mending within.
in our fast times, it’s good to go slow.
receiving healings
we invite the spirits in, and begin powerful work like soul retrieval, where you come home to yourself after challenge or pain, extraction where we remove outdated or harmful energies in your life, and magical councils where you communicate with the deeper parts of yourself that may have been muted on your path so far.
there are other tools that we’ll use and weave in when they’re appropriate, like sending you out onto the land to perform creative ceremony, on personal retreat where you learn to hear your own song in the silence, deep work with medicine keys that unlock what is hidden in you, or engaging the wonder of sacred art and storytelling.  every journey is different.
your own way back home to yourself will be as unique as your fingerprint, as beautiful as the constellation of stars your soul has come to steer by.
from a deeply well place
our gentle goal together is you living your version of ‘a magical life’ – where you know yourself, feel loved, understand your purpose and are happy.
these things aren’t ‘nice to have’ but actually what you came to this beautiful planet to experience. when you’re feeling deeply well, you can move energy in the seen and unseen realms, feel regular connection with the mystery, and offer strong service outside yourself that you care about.
it is from this deeply well place, when you’ve received all of the tools, healings, ceremonies, insights and ‘aha!’ moments you need from our time together that our work is complete, although I’ll still be around for when you need a helping hand here or there. that’s a sweet moment – we celebrate when this happens!
simply, I believe living a magical life (which looks so different for each of us) is why we all came. I’d be honored to help you remember yours.
the container
if you’re still reading (well, happy heart hug, we’re most likely kindred spirits), I invite you to consider getting a hold of me so we can sit and share a cup of tea. we can see how our energy flows together, and share stories. if this is right for you, you’ll know.
the container is strong, at $1,550 a month or $9,300 per 6-month engagement. the work doesn’t happen overnight, and it doesn’t have to take forever, either. we work together for a minimum of six months, and often more like a year, during which your life becomes progressively more easeful, beautiful, and magical.
we meet every other week and spend a couple hours in each session with the spirits. there are fun ‘bells and whistles’ like mystery welcome gifts in the post, monday morning check ins, and a lovely custom digital workspace to house the work.
the real beauty is that actual transformation happens.
and it feels glorious.
cup of tea
I’m here. I love this work more than anything – living in deep connection with the spirit world and helping people is my ‘magical life’ – and I’d genuinely enjoy hearing from you. you can fill out the form below to join the waitlist for ‘the magical life,’ and I’ll get back to you in a day or so, monday through friday.
whatever has you on this page, thanks for arriving, thanks for being, and I wish you so deeply well in our times.
you are magnificent, beautiful and brilliant, and I honor you.
with heart,
join the waitlist
this isn’t the kind of work where you book a session and *poof* off we go. instead, if you feel interested, let’s start with sharing a cup of tea over the phone in a free consultation when a space becomes available, and we’ll learn together if this work is for you.
most likely, we’ll start with a series of 3 sessions to begin, because jumping right in is too much, too soon. however. planting seeds of intention is powerful, so we start by gazing up at ‘the magical life’ as our star to steer by. the mystery handles the rest.
you came to this planet with sacred dreams and prayers for joy – the spirits and the power of love with to help you fulfill them. welcome.