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ceremonies are where humans wake up from the trance

ceremony is one of the strongest tools we can use to help our clients, students, groups, and audiences.  river otter offers us this beautiful teaching: 'ceremonies are where humans wake up from the trance, and remember how powerful they are.' delicious, yes?  good ceremony changes…

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about slowing down: do you check your phone

“do you check your smart phone before you pee in the morning, or while you are peeing?” ​ ~the social dilemma   I​ think about that question a lot. then ​I think about the thousands of folks who have come for healing sessions because they…

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the best helping tool for healers

the mystery wants to meet you on personal retreat, so you can come home to yourself. ‘personal retreat’ is an evocative phrase, a portal to some special kind of magic.  like water on parched desert soil, a marvelous inner adventure reminds you of who you…

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MAY 10: 6-week community course 'shamanism for healers, helpers & humans'