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part 2: finding the lesson in relationships

in part 1 of this article, you engaged the ‘elevator exercise,’ where you imagined 8 hours in an elevator with someone in your life you love spending time with, and someone in your world who feels challenging.  hopefully, you then calendared a gentle way to…

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beauty as medicine for sensitives & empaths

person: what do you do? me: I help sensitive, empathic, and gifted folks learn to slow down, work with helping spirits, and live a magical life.  it’s awesome! person: why would you want to work with ‘sensitive people?’ aren’t they just fragile flowers who need…

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holidays: the miniature magic moment for sensitives

as I'm writing this post, the air is crisp and cool here in the redwoods, with crimson and gold leaves falling like gentle rain to the earth. I’m hearing from some of you that first snow is falling, and that others are drinking in radiant…

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