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poppy’s ceremony: in her own words

one woman's healing story: I love reading stories. books saved my life as a little person in some hard times (and lots of sensitives can relate to this), and humans have been learning and growing through stories shared round the fireside for millennia. when we…

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part 1: ‘pruning & nourishing’ relationships

the relationships we keep with us affect our lives in powerful ways: as you look at how you've orchestrated your life as a healer, helper, leader, or teacher, it's of benefit to explore where you're putting your precious time and lifeforce in relationship. after all,…

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part 2: finding the lesson in relationships

in part 1 of this article, you engaged the ‘elevator exercise,’ where you imagined 8 hours in an elevator with someone in your life you love spending time with, and someone in your world who feels challenging.  hopefully, you then calendared a gentle way to…

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MAY 10: 6-week community course 'shamanism for healers, helpers & humans'