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of all the questions, this is maybe my favorite.  and the most tender.


being able to connect with unseen reality is part of our human heritage.

no matter where you come from, who you are, what your gifts are, what you do or don’t believe, who your ancestors were, what spiritual tradition (or absence of) you grew up in, what your lived experiences have been, you can absolutely connect directly with the world beyond our five human waking senses.


the way that works best for me personally is through listening to rhythmic drumming that helps my brain enter a light trance so I can go connect with my friends, well ancestors, teachers, and helpers in the unseen realms.

if you wish to learn how to journey with a rhythmic drumbeat and have direct experiences with your spirits, you can learn that in our free course in about a half hour.  happy journeying!

that said, there are lots of ways to connect with the divine.

beyond journeying into the unseen with a drumbeat, we engage many pathways to work with the spirits and healing energies here at the dreaming otter – like communing in nature, working with our dreams, journaling, walking labyrinths, channeling, taking guided journeys, creating personal retreats and unique ceremonies, and formal contemplation.

what works for me may not work for you, and vice versa.  so we play with a lot of different approaches here.

so, CAN you connect with your helpers and the magical, wonderful world of the unseen?


a note about connecting:

spirit will connect with you in the way that works for you. 

here are a few samples of ways spirit might ‘try to deliver a message’ from my own lived experience, and yours will be different:

  • through a spirit my ancestral lineage has worked with in the british isles for generations: river otter (my ancestors call otters ‘the sleek ones’)
  • in a dream where I talk with einstein or an ancient goddess or a glowing magic orb of light, and receive a message so strong I remember it on waking, and take action
  • while receiving reiki and a flash of inspiration ‘comes to me’ and I know in my breath, blood, and bone I now have the answer and insight I’ve been praying for.
  • in a ceremony, where a strong and unusual omen is delivered, like a deer slowly walking up to me while building a mandala of flowers as I offer prayers for inner peace

if you’re old enough, like me, to remember old-school, physical radios (yup), you remember that you could turn a radio dial and choose from tons of different radio stations.

working with the spirits is like tuning into the radio stations that have music you’re called to.  maybe in this lifetime, you’re only open to hearing country or rap or pop or opera, so spirit will speak to you on that ‘radio station’ and deliver the message there so you can hear it.  similarly, maybe it works best for you to journey, dream, receive messages in nature, or through guided visualizations, and so on.

this is the tender part:

you may have been taught, somewhere along the way, that you are not powerful, loved, or worthy of care from loving humans or loving spirit helpers.  blessings if so.

in fact, you are able to connect with spirit and the unseen and healing energy – in the way that works for you.  unequivocally, without doubt.


you do not have to be ‘special’ or ‘gifted with magical powers’ or ‘part of a certain lineage’ or ‘have had gifts from a young age.’ (I mean, that’s cool, but all humans can work in the unseen worlds)

you.  can.  simply.  learn.  to.  connect.

in the way that works for you.

ha!  I feel passionately about this – can you tell?  (grin)

if you wish to receive them, I offer blessings of hope and healing, that lead you to connecting with your concept of goddess/god/source/love/the mystery/nature/helping spirits/elementals/well ancestors/spirit teachers/whatever language feels right for you.

may you feel held in this world, and remember your power and grace.


ps – do you know one or two folks who would benefit from receiving the dreaming otter articles? if yes, please encourage them to subscribe to the email list here. I would be so grateful – thanks, and may that kindness return to you a thousandfold.