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the basic premise of ‘energy extraction’ is this:

energy that doesn’t belong affects your ‘spiritual immune system’ (yes, you have one of those) and that can compromise you.

things that can compromise your spiritual immune might be:

  • a rough thing happens, an altercation, illness, life event that’s painful and hard, an initiation
  • you have an encounter with someone and they throw some not-so-great energy (hopefully unconsciously) at you
  • you stumble into something energetically tricky or above your pay grade to clear yourself
  • you’ve been praying strongly with your worry, over and over, and a thought form or energy field has formed as a result

welp…you might end up with an ‘energetic intrusion.’

which is exactly what that sounds like.

you can think of extraction forms of healing like this: if you’ve got a huge splinter in your physical body, it’s going to be hard for your body to heal.

the ‘splinter’ doesn’t belong, and it lets things in that don’t belong either.

stretching that metaphor into the unseen energetic realm, rough times ensue if you’ve got energy aboard that isn’t yours – that can look like depression, ‘bad luck,’ self-doubt, lack of flow, or thoughts coming back to a situation over and over that keep you feeling ‘stuck,’ lost, or hopeless.

been there.  big hug.

when helping spirits perform energetic extraction, they’re literally removing energy that doesn’t belong that’s causing you harm.

it’s simple in one way, and from a practitioner side things gets really groovy.  without knowing what’s going on for you, I can’t paint you specifics, but this might do for now:

if you suspect you have energy that isn’t yours with you that’s causing nonsense in your life, you’ll know.

you can trust that.

we can incorporate extraction into a healing session or mentoring if it’s needed for you, or teach you how to facilitate clearings yourself.

and!  this is important!

we do not ask the healing spirits to perform extraction and send you on your merry way.  nope!

nature abhors a vacuum.  so it’s important to note that with every extraction type of work we do, it’s vital to ‘fill in’ as well.

that means we fill any freshly-healed places with love, blessings, light, power, strength, and declarations of ease, flow, and grace.  every.  time.

extraction feels relieving.  as well it should.  if you’ve had a big ragged splinter sticking out of your physical body, compromising you and causing pain for a long time, it feels good to get the darn thing out.  and slather on some healing salve.

this is a short precis about extraction and filling in – it’s a really fascinating, complex topic, and it’s important to know about.  essentially, you learned about physical hygiene when you were little, energy hygiene maybe not so much.

both affect you, and you can learn and receive ways to help yourself out, so energy flows better in your body, life, and body of work.

if this calls you, and you wish to receive extraction in sessions or learn how to facilitate this yourself, you can email me and we’ll chat about it.

here’s to your intactness, your wellness, and your energy being your own.

I see you healthy (energetically and physically)…and strong.



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